5 Reasons Why You Should Play Checkers with Your Child

My son is 6 years old and I keep thinking of ideas for games with him that will prolong his concentration and attention span.

He was diagnosed about two years ago with ADHD, and he is undoubtedly charming, smart and cute but quite a bit challenging.

If you are looking for games that your children can benefit from (and not just children with ADHD – everyone!) And that you also enjoy playing with them –
checkers is the one!

Yes, Checkers is definitely on top of my list!

Building careful strategies, calculating moves, and memorizing them is part of the great fun that you have in a game of checkers, and that’s not all.

Building careful strategies for your child’s future

Here are 5 reasons why you should play checkers with your child:

Stronger Memory

Checkers may not be as tactful as chess, but certainly has countless combinations and tactics one can learn at it.
While it may seem like a trivial game, with more and more practice your child will be able to mentally map out possible outcomes of each potential move.
Aside from calculation, this helps them exercise their memory.

Elephants never forget

Practice Self-Accountability

Winning or losing is part of the game. How well you plan your strategy depends on what the result will be.
As a parent, you have to teach your children to make moves for themselves and learn to take winning or losing in their stride. This instills a sense of self-accountability.

Sense of self-accountability is important part of life

Better Concentration

Children have shorter attention spans and they learn to focus on things as they grow up. Checkers helps in polishing their concentration skills at an early stage, enabling them to master this crucial skill.
Each game of checkers requires care, silence, and mental exercise. This way you will see your child develop into a person with extensive concentration and focus, which will help them in all races of life.

Improved Problem Solving

Problem-solving is one of the most important skills a child needs to learn. Every parent wants their child to develop into an independent individual who can get through life on their own feet. Checkers is like a beta-version of life – only less complicated.
Not only will it teach them patience, but also perseverance and how to tackle problems that come up one after another.

He knew how to solve problems!

Family Bonding

No matter what you do with your child, at the end of the day they will remember the time you spent with them, laughing over a board game or bonding over old memories.

Family bonding for life

Children require your time and deserve it too.

So, take some time out and spend it with them. Not only will you relax, but you will also forget your worries!

Not only would you be helping your child grow, but you will also get a chance to connect with them.

Good luck!

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